Recent Publications


“After the Surgery,” “Smaller and Smaller Pieces,” and “Sleepwalking” in Wigleaf, (Upcoming)

“Chopsticks” in Best Microfiction 2024, edited by Grant Faulkner, Summer 2023

“Something Gone” and “My Father the Leopard” in Gone Lawn, Special Issue: Sturgeon Moon

“Giver of Gifts,” “Terrorists,” and “Lost Memory” in Fantastic Imaginary Beasts: An Anthology of Contemporary Prose Poems, Edited by Gary LaFemina, Summer 2024

“My Mother’s Dress Shop” performed on Guerilla Podcasts, May 22, 2024

“A Dream of a Garden” and Ashes in Paradise featured in Great American Poetry Blog, 1-20-2024, discussed by Nin Andrews

Ashes in Paradise featured in DMQ Review Virtual Salon, February 2024

“How to Talk,” “What Her Hand Says,” “Done Time,” Hungarian Homeland” in Posit (forthcoming)

“Remembering My Father’s Face” in DMQ Review, Winter Issue

“Tiny Town Harps, “Steeping the Leaves” and “Being Seen” in Plume, Fall 2024 with Meg Pokrass

“A Bit of Dignity” in Ink, Sweat and Tears June 2024 with Meg Pokrass

“Angels Can Break Your Heart” in Emerge Literary Journal with Meg Pokrass

“Fruit Season, “Dry Sparks,” and “Steve the Spider Plant” in Hole in the Head Review, Vol. 5 #1, February 2,2024 with Meg Pokrass

“Dream of Veils” in Icebreakers Lit with Meg Pokrass

Another Shadow” and “The Names of the Bones,” in Gooseberry Review, February 2024


“Nothing,” “Difficult Times,” “All the Old Lies,” “Another Orpheus,” “Schmidt,” “Sudden Laughter,” and “Jitter in Issue One, The Mackinaw: a Journal of Prose Poetry, Winter 2024


“My Mother’s Dress Shop” in Best Microfiction 2023, edited by Deb Olin Unferth, Summer 2023

“Breaking Bread with Strangers,” in Ink Sweat & Tears, August 7, 2023,

“Almost Love” in Northwest Review

“New Pair of Lips” in The Fabulist, December 2023 with Meg Pokrass

“Newman’s Own” in Emerge Literary Journal

The Lies” and “In the Drought,” in 2River View, Summer 2023

“Lost Tails,” “Counting the Money,” and “City of Money,” in Plume, Issue 142, June 2023

“Dead Enough,” “The Salesman’s Last Day,” and “House of Smoke” in Cafe Irreal, Spring 2023

“Soldiers in Town” in SwitchOnline, March 25

“Broken” in SwitchOnline, March 25

“Chopsticks” in SwitchOnline, March 25

“Stray Medusa” in First Literary Review East, September 2023

“Town Without Voice” in First Literary Review East, July 2023

“White Owl” in South Florida Poetry Journal, #29, May 23

“Performance Artist” in South Florida Poetry Journal, #29, May 23

“Facts about Bald Men,” “The Bald Man and His Twin,” “Return of the Klepto,” “Up on the roof, Prayer for Hair,” in On the Seawall (cowritten with Meg Pokrass), January 2023

“Tea with Honey,” “The Gift,” “Night in the Prison, Vacancies in the Cabinet,” in Dreaming Awake: New Prose Poetry From the US, UK, and Australia, January 2023


“Bear Fight,” “Catching the Monster,” “A Hole in the Head,” in Contemporary Surrealist and Magical Realist Anthology, Fall 2022

“Giver of Gifts,” in Best Microfiction 2022, Summer 2022

“Dismantling the King,” “Tears,” “Escaped Voice,” and “The Last Truth,” in Fort Nightly Review, (Upcoming)

“The Salesman Has a Vision,” and “Along Comes Mary” in the May Day issue of Hole in the Head Review (co-written with Meg Pokrass), May 1, 2022

“Living with a Monster,” “My Sister’s Gift,” “Light at the End of the Tunnel,” “Family,” and “Slipping Away” in Flash Boulevard, May 7, 2022

“Fog in South Florida Poetry Journal, Issue 25, May 2022

“Boy With Holes,” “Raining Twenties,” and “Brotherly Love” in Survision, Issue 10, March 2022

My Mother’s Dress Shop,” “Missing Kroner,” and “Mime Love” in Fort Nightly Review, March 2022

“Terrorists,” in DMQ Review, Special Prose Poem Issue, February 2022

“The Salesman Gets a Suit,” “Something Special,” “My Mother The Realtor,” and “The Salesman Grows Sad” in On the Seawall (co-written with Meg Pokrass), February 15, 2022

“The Marksman,” “What Happened to the Country” and “What My Father Heard” in International Psychoanalysis: Special Feature, February 7, 2022

“Baby Theft” and “Bully” in Hole in the Head Review, Volume 3, #1, February 2, 2022

“Quaking,” “The Salesman Gets Stoned,” and “Dead Bugs and Lovers” in Café Irreal (co-written with Meg Pokrass), Winter 2022

“What’s Left,” “Last of the Truth,” and “Bad Day for the Shooters” in American Journal of Poetry, Volume 12, January 1, 2022


“Arrest,” “Never Look a Gift Horse,” “Boy in the Closet,” in Survision, December 10, 2021

“Tea with Honey,” “The Gift,” “Night in the Prison, Vacancies in the Cabinet,” in Hole in the Head Review, Special Chapbook Edition on Prose Poem, Volume 1, Issue 4, November 2021

“Terrorists,” in DMQ Review, Fall 2021, Special Prose Poem Issue

“Ashes,” in Unbroken, Issue 28, October 2021

“Picking up the Moose” and “Dear Wigleaf” in Wigleaf (co-written with Meg Pokrass), October 21 2021

“Deniers,” in Six-Sentence Blog Spot, September 2021

DMQ Virtual Salon, August 2021

Mistaking One Cheese for Another,” “The Not So Invisible Ex,” and “The Grana Padano House of Wedgewood ” in MacQueen’s Quinterly (co-written with Meg Pokrass), August 2021

“Father and Son” and “Ram in the Thicket,” in MacQueen’s Quinterly, August 2021

“Lost Memory” and “Not Everything Was in My Father’s Will,” in Best Microfiction 2021, Summer 2021

“Rainmakers,” “Sold,” “My Father the Salesman,” and “Bad Day for the Salesman,” in Contrary (co-written with Meg Pokrass), Summer 2021

“Fatherless Daughter” and “What You Can’t Fix,” in Plume (co-written with Meg Pokrass), June 2021

The Poets Speak in Plume,” May 28 (With Meg Pokrass)

“Gifted Sister,” “Owl Eyes,” and “Her Blue Period” in Pangyrus (co-written with Meg Pokrass), May 28,2021

“Voice in the Bush” and “Giver of Gifts” in Body, May 4,2021

“Broken Man,” in American Journal of Poetry (co-written with Meg Pokrass)

“Wig Story,” in Vox Populi (co-written with Meg Pokrass), April 2021

“Snapping Turtle,” in Unbroken, Issue 28, March 25, 2021

“Out of the Hat,” in Unbroken, Issue 28, March 25, 2021

“Virus,” in Covid Spring, Hobblebush Books, 2021

“Pet Loss, in 50-Word Stories, March 19, 2021

“Near Collision on Main Street,” in Oddity (co-written with Meg Pokrass)

The Weak Man in the Circus,” “Out of Touch,” and “Family Sorcerer,” in New World Writing (co-written with Meg Pokrass), February 27, 2021

“Adam’s Rib,” in Emrys Journal (co-written with Meg Pokrass), February 10, 2021

“Pet Loss,” (long version) in The Daily Drunk (co-written with Meg Pokrass), February 8, 2021

“Truth,” in American Journal of Poetry, January 2021