Books Broken Signals Bamboo Dart Press2024 Ashes in Paradise MadHat Press2023 The House of Grana Padano co-written with Meg PokrassPelekinesisApril 2022 The Marksman Carnegie Mellon University Press2020 Floating Tales A collection of prose poemsPlume Editions from MadHat Press2017 Pretenders Carnegie Mellon University Press2014 Working in Flour Carnegie Mellon University Press2011 Black Threads Carnegie Mellon University Press2007 Taking Down the Angel Carnegie Mellon University Press2003 Scattering the Ashes Carnegie Mellon University Press2003 The Record Breaking Heat Wave BkMk Press-UMKC1986 Memorials By Mieczyslaw Jastrun. Translated by Dzvinia Orlowsky & Jeff Friedman.Diálogos2014 Two Gardens Modern Hebrew poems of the BibleTranslations by Jeff Friedman and Nati ZoharSinging Bone Press2016