Modern Hebrew poems of the Bible
Translations by Jeff Friedman and Nati Zohar
Singing Bone Press
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Reviews & Commentary
These familiar stories become fresh once more when delivered in the distinctive voices of such resourceful and authoritative poets and their meticulous translators. Friedman and Zohar render these versions with finely attuned ears and precise diction, and the richly drawn characters breathe anew in their singular struggles. In Two Gardens you’ll find the well from which you and your children can drink deeply.
—Michael Waters, Gospel Night and Darling Vulgarity
Two Gardens: Modern Hebrew Poems of the Bible gathers a rare collection of poems written by modern Hebew poets such as Yehuda Amichai, Amir Gilboa, and Yona Wallach, on biblical stories, especially those from Genesis. Undoubtedly, the most important biblical themes have been included. The translators, Jeff Friedman, a well-known American poet, and Nati Zohar, a fine translator, have transformed the Hebrew texts into clear and fluent English poems.
—Shlomo Vinner, For a Few Hours Only and Jerusalem As She Is
Bible stories come alive in poetry anthology (St. Louis Jewish Light)